Dr. Stanley Aruyaru is a surgeon, serving as a Medical Director in Meru Hospital and he has a clear in policy and systems. He has served across various levels within Toastmasters. He also founded Meru Toastmasters, where amongst many things, he really enjoys witnessing personal growth which is a testimony of his core ambition to make people better in more ways than one. It is therefore no surprise that he has risen to a Distinguished Toastmaster in just about 3 years.

Surgery is a complex career and for one to serve both colleagues and patients effectively, confident, eloquent and succinct communication are worthy weapons in one’s armoury hence Stanley’s quest to cultivate these skills through Toastmasters.

His most memorable Toastmasters boss move?

Stanley, as part of his service at Meru Hospital, needed to suggest ways to build a more cohesive team of doctors at the hospital. This was the perfect opportunity to directly apply skills learnt through Toastmasters training material to a workplace challenge. Remarkably, this yielded instant results as his colleagues sought their own copies and the team continues to use this material to access their teamwork.

Stanley emphasises that Toastmasters, in its members, structure and training material offer an invaluable library of resources to build several skills, especially on leadership and conduct. Skills that enable leaders to facilitate exceptional meetings, lead fulfilled teams and smash targets – all while enjoying the journey!

Why should one join Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International’s maxim is “Where Leaders Are Made”. “By joining Toastmasters, you will be joining leaders, a place where everyone belongs and there’s something for everyone.” Stanley lauds Toastmasters as a ripe environment for peer learning – especially as everyone shares one goal – personal development.

 Why should people attend TEACON?

“I have attended TEACON every year since I joined Toastmasters in 2019. I am especially looking forward to it returning to an in-person event, while still offering people the opportunity to join virtually. TEACON is the epitome of networking.” Imagine club meetings, on steroids. The attendees’ varied  backgrounds add immeasurable value to the meeting. Doctors with yoga instructors. Artist with C-Suite leaders. Teachers with free-lancers – such a delectable salad of experience, perspective and ambition.

What do you expect to experience at TEACON?

“I am a finalist in the Humorous Speech contest so it’s always great to sharpen one’s skills.” But beyond this, Stanley emphasises the opportunity to reconnect with life-long friends, network across disciplines and geographies and above all, learn!

Register here for the Toastmasters East Africa Conference (TEACON) and learn how you can make your boss moves. Invite your colleagues, family and friends


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