Join the D114 Toastmasters Speakers Bureau

If you’re looking for opportunities to speak to audiences outside of Toastmasters club meetings and events, you have found the right place!


Hundreds of organizations in our district seek speakers every week. The District 114 Speakers Bureau provides easy access to a directory of our own enthusiastic, experienced, and interesting speakers to fill that demand. The Speakers Bureau serves active Toastmasters members looking for ways to expand their speaking engagements outside of Toastmasters.


Role Description

Speakers Bureau is a complimentary service provided to the community that allows Toastmasters members to provide speeches and presentations outside of the club setting.  Speeches and presentations typically take 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the subject matter.  Outside of Toastmasters, the Speakers Bureau will connect Toastmasters members to corporations, colleges/universities, associations, etc., and allow members opportunities to speak on a variety of topics, while endorsing the Toastmasters mission.  The slate of speakers will be available to provide keynote addresses, motivational and inspirational speeches, emcee services, meeting facilitators, etc. The Speakers Bureau also serves district members by providing speakers for Toastmasters events such as trainings, evaluation speech contests etc.  


Topics for Speakers Bureau speakers (not exhaustive):

Leadership, Strategic Planning, Storytelling, Goal Setting, Motivational, Inspirational, Goal setting, Coaching, Health & Wellness, Rotary etc.


Why Join?

Provide visibility for Toastmasters.

Gain experience speaking before non-Toastmasters.

Gain valuable experience and exposure. 

Further your area of expertise.

Get credit by having other Toastmasters to evaluate your speech!


Eligibility to Join:

Member in good standing in District 114.

Have completed at least one path in Pathways or be a professional speaker.

Active member of Toastmasters for two years.


How to Join:

Complete the online application form ( )   and submit a 2–3 minute video explaining what you have to offer.

For Further information: 