CONNIE'S PHOTOFrom the Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI)

We are delighted to serve District 114 through the Toastmaster Leadership Institute in this Toastmaster year 2021/2022, and look forward to working closely with all toastmasters across the district in supporting the District to carry out its mission to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

Embracing the New Normal:

The last year was particularly tough for some clubs and members as we were all forced to go online for our meetings, but this year we plan on fully embracing this new normal, and utilising available virtual tools to diversify the learning opportunities open to Toastmasters members, and by so doing offer even greater value to the community.

Inviting collaborators:

District 114 has come fully of age, by now, and we are eager to tap into the combined our combined experience and skill. To this end, we would like to invite you to collaborate with us via two avenues:

  1. My Top Tips Series: more
    This concept is under development but ideally, we would like Toastmasters across the district to submit short articles sharing their top tips for all things Toastmasters – this may be on creating a compelling speech, delegating, mentoring a new member, making the most of Pathways, or anything else that you would like to share – we would love to publish these on the TLI website, and we expect that these could be submitted in text or video format.
    Please send your expressions of interest to
  1. Discover the Trainer Within: more
    A few times throughout the year we will offer the Toastmaster Speaker to Trainer training, which is meant to equip members with the skills to support the district in carrying out Toastmaster Training. A major focus will be on maximising the opportunities offered by the virtual environment to provide flexible and interactive learning opportunities. This will not only give members the opportunity to develop valuable transferable skills, but it will also build our capacity as a district to support the different clubs in growing and excelling.
    Registration link will be circulated in due course

Your Ideas:

We will be delighted to receive more ideas on how you can help us fulfil our mandate even better, and we are happy to hear from you at any time!

Upcoming Training Schedule

Marketing, Member Engagement & Retention

18:00 – 21:00 Wednesday 14 July

About this event:

We will present two modules during this event.

  1. Marketing  more
    This is all about having that initial “conversation” with prospective members. Marketing drives prospective members to get curious, check out the toastmaster experience, and decide whether toastmasters is for them. In this session, participants examine prospective member motivation; craft corresponding marketing messages; and identify communication channels, tools, and resources that support club marketing efforts.
    Session Workbook (to be used during the training)
    Pre work (it is highly recommended that you at least browse this resource as it will greatly enrich your workshop experience)
  2. Member Engagement & Retention more
    This is one of the biggest challenges clubs face as the initial excitement of joining Toastmasters wears off, and the pressures of everyday life begin to squeeze back in. High engagement drives member achievement, which leads to membership growth and strengthened community. In this session, club officers will develop strategies for retaining members and re-engaging past members.
    Session Workbook (to be used during the training)
    Pre work (it is highly recommended that you at least browse this resource as it will greatly enrich your workshop experience)
    Registration Link:
    Open to all; Highly recommended for Area & Division Directors, VPMs, VPPRs and Area & Division Growth Associates;[

17.45                    Arrival & Networking

18.00                    Opening Remarks – Programme Quality Director

18.10                    Marketing – Jesse Ainebyoona

19.30                    Stretch Break

19.35                    Member Engagement and Retention – Wilson Asiimwe

20.55                    Closing remarks – Chair, Toastmaster Leadership Institute

Mandatory Club Officer Training

Club Officers can attend EITHER Thursday & Friday sessions OR the Saturday half-day training to complete the requirements for DCP Goal 9 for the first round of Officer Training.

About this event:

Six Modules will be presented

  1. Officer Breakouts: more
    These hour-long breakouts will be organised by Officer role. More details about each officer role breakout can be found here
  2. Leading the Club to Success: more
    This training teaches club officers motivation, delegation, coaching and SMART goal setting, as well as guiding them through the creation of the Club Success Plan.
  3. Building a Healthy Team:more
    This training teaches club officers the traits of a healthy team, how to identify behavioral styles and how to build trust.
  4. The Club Success Plan:more
    This is the first step towards delivering club excellence.Successful leadership is reflected in membership achievement, experience, engagement, and retention. Develop officer mindsets to make effective planning a natural, consistent habit: identifying and addressing common barriers to planning, critiquing plans, and implementing best practices.
    Session Workbook
  5. Quality Club Meetings: more
    Club meetings are the premier venue for acknowledgment and achievement in the Toastmasters program, a place for members to practice skills and receive feedback and recognition. Meetings shape relationships, morale, and directly impact member retention. This session will advance a shared understanding of what a quality club meeting looks like and assist club officers in developing strategies for delivering great meetings.
    Session Workbook
  6. Creating a Quality Club: more
    This training teaches club officers about the importance of the member experience, the Toastmasters brand, Moments of Truth and the Distinguished Club Program.

Registration Link:

Thursday, 15 July

17.45                    Arrival & Networking

18.00                    Opening Remarks – Programme Quality Director

18.05                    Officer Breakout Rooms – Various

19.05                    Leading the Club to Success – Anthony Wangondu/Nellie Ayodo

20.05                    Stretch Break

20:10                    Building a Healthy Team – Jaynnie Mulle/Joshua Tainduka

21.10                   Meeting Adjourns – Chair, Toastmaster Leadership Institute

Friday, 16th July

17.45                    Arrival & Networking

18:00                    Opening Remarks– Chair, Toastmaster Leadership Institute

18.05                    Club Success Plan – Eva Kimani/June Keriri

19.15                    Stretch Break

19.20                    Quality Club Meetings & Creating a Quality Club – Bernard Oloo/Njeri Gathii

20.25                    Meeting Adjourns – Chair, Toastmaster Leadership Institute

08.45                    Arrival & Networking

09.00                    Opening Remarks – Programme Quality Director

09.10                    Officer Breakout Rooms – Various

10.10                    Stretch Break

10.15                    Leading the Club to Success – Anthony Wangondu/Nellie Ayodo

11:15                    Building a Healthy Team – Jaynnie Mulle/Joshua Tainduka

12.15                    Stretch Break

12.25                    Club Success Plan – Eva Kimani/June Keriri

13.20                    Quality Club Meetings & Creating a Quality Club – Bernard Oloo/Njeri Gathii

14.10                    Meeting Adjourns – Chair, Toastmaster Leadership Institute

Speaker to Trainer

09:00 – 14:00 July 31

About the event:

This educational workshop is offered as part of the Success Communication Series, and teaches participants how to develop and present training programs. Completion of this module enables you to join the District Pool of trainers and will come with opportunities to give various trainings at club, Area, Division, and District Level. It also, of course, gives participants invaluable transferable training skills in general.

Registration Link: to follow

August 13

Media Training

About the event:

This is a VPPR empowerment session where we will offer attendees 2 hours of the following topics:

  1. Brand training
  2. Social media engagement
  3. Creating posters on CANVA as well as video marketing
  4. Media engagement(print and TV)

Registration Link: to follow

Open to all; recommended for Club VPPRs, Area Growth Associates, & Division Growth Associates

