Award Categories

The D114 Mid-Year Awards and Recognition ceremony held on the 29th of February 2023, celebrated Toastmasters and Clubs that achieved excellence in the first half of the 2022-2023 Toastmasters Year.

1. District Recognitions

Awarded by the District Director to members who are seen to have gone above and beyond their call of duty or any obligation of service. This is a member – without question – who is worthy of distinction. These members embody the District 114 2022-2023 call to action, “Be the BEST!” by building up others, empowering others, supporting others, and being a team player.
The recipients have been exemplary in this regard at the club, area, division, or district level.
  • Sophia Ndiga (Vice President Education, Downtown Toastmasters Club, Area 10, Division C) for her commitment to service and excellence, which saw her club, Downtown Toastmasters Club, achieve 9 DCP points within the first six months of the Toastmasters year.

 VPE Sophia is a district influencer

  • Kenneth Kajjora (Vice President Education, Lubowa Toastmasters Club, Area 24, Division F) for his commitment to service and excellence, which saw his club, Lubowa Toastmasters Club, become the first distinguished ready club and the first to surpass 7 DCP points within the first six (6) months.

VPE Kenneth is a district influencer

  • Hanna Ousman (President, Addis Ababa Toastmasters Club, Area 19, Division E) for serving across borders seamlessly. She is the Addis Ababa Club President, and is the Public Relations Manager for Division D where she ensures the visibility of, and high turn out to, their events.

 President Hanna is a Toastmaster without borders

  • Stella Cheptoo (President, The Hill Toastmasters Club, Area 10, Division C) for offering up herself and her time to take up meeting roles in virtual and physical meetings around the district.

President Stella is the consummate volunteer

  • President Wangu Kamundia, DTM (President, Fasaha Toastmasters Club, Area 15, Division D) is a Distinguished Toastmaster. She is being recognized for leading Fasaha Bilingual from suspended status to surpassing the required membership strength in less than six (6) months.

 President Wangu, DTM is a super star

  • Beverley Nambozo, DTM (Founding Member, Bukoto Toastmasters Club, Area 22, Division F) is a Distinguished Toastmaster. She is being recognized for exemplary service in supporting officers and clubs in Division F, serving as a Buddy in Division A, taking up multiple roles across the district, and editing the ‘Sauti Ya Toastmasters’ newsletter.

DTM Beverley is an exemplar

  • Jared Ouko, DTM (Vice President Public Relations, Watabaruku Toastmasters Club, Area 15, Division D) is a Distinguished Toastmaster. He is being recognized for supporting officers and clubs in Divisions C and D and being an ever-present help to many members and clubs around the district.

VPPR Jared, DTM, is the district sage

2. Spirit Award

Awarded by the District Director to members who are seen to have gone above and beyond their call of duty or any obligation of service. This is a member – without question – who is worthy of distinction. These members embody the District 114 2022-2023 call to action, “Be the BEST!” by building up others, empowering others, supporting others, and being a team player.
The recipients have been exemplary in this regard at the club, area, division, or district level.

Area Director (Dr) Kevin Rubia for unabashed commitment to the Toastmasters core values as evinced through the innovative titbits he shares about club and district excellence, to his support of clubs in Area 16, to the support he offers the program quality team.

Area Director (Dr) Kevin is a district treasure

3. Club Growth Awards

You can access the Club Growth Awards here.

4. Program Quality Awards

You can access the Program Quality Awards  here.

5. District Division Awards

You can access the District Division  Awards here.