The District prides itself in the diversity of its members. This allows each member to learn something new. This could be from someone in a different career, geographical locations and even age group. 

We interviewed one seasoned and one young Toastmaster. This how it went: 

Nguru Wachira

When did you join Toastmasters and what was your first impression?

II joined Toastmasters in 1996. I am a member of Kwanza Toastmasters, which was the only club in Kenya then. My first impression was that the people in the meeting were good.  They said what they meant and had no problem saying it. It was a nice place to be at and articulate.

What made you join Toastmasters?

In fact, it’s who made me join Toastmasters. It was a speech about Toastmasters by the late Maria and Philip Horobin in an annual seminar of Accountants. They talked about the benefits of Toastmasters, which kind of fit with my leadership aspirations. I am forever grateful to the late Maria and Philip Horobin.

Outside Toastmasters what do you do?

I have for the longest time been part of an accounting practice. I am a CPA.

How far are you on your Toastmasters Leadership and Communication Tracks or Pathways Program?

I got a DTM in 2019. I have completed level one in Pathways. The beauty with pathways is that there is recognition at every level. There is a sense of fulfillment as you move at any level.

What capacities have you had an opportunity to serve in, in a Toastmasters Club?

I have served as Secretary, Vice President Membership (VPM), Vice President Education (VPE), Club President, and Division Director. I was the Division Director for Division 1 in 2019.

What do you count as a highlight on your Toastmasters journey so far?

I found the High-Performance Leadership project as the most exciting and comprehensive. My project involved organizing a trip for Kenyan Toastmasters to Tanzania. There are, of course, many projects which have been exciting but that I found to be most involving and challenging.

How has Toastmasters impacted you in your professional or personal life?

It has made me realize that there is still a lot of learning. My friends who are not toastmasters think I am a great communicator. It has created some advantages in terms of my communication skills, particularly with people who are not Toastmasters. I still find there is a lot of learning.

What keeps you motivated in your toastmaster journey?

Toastmasters are good company. Anywhere you go you’ll find Toastmasters. I went to the USA where I attended a Toastmasters club in Florida and was accepted. The fact that you can go anywhere on the planet and find the company of nice like-minded people is something you wouldn’t want to lose. Unless you want to be bored, there is every opportunity to meet new people and have pleasant conversations.

What are you looking to achieve as you proceed on your Toastmaster journey?

To keep on improving. I doubt whether there’ll come a time when I will feel accomplished. There is always an opportunity to improve. The fact that you listen to feedback and great speeches encourages you and helps you, and reinforces you to become a better communicator and leader.  Continuing keeps me reflecting on things that I otherwise might forget about leadership and communication.

What pieces of advice would you give a new Toastmasters member?

First, they will get excellent opportunities to reinforce their communication and leadership skills because they listen to great speeches and get positive feedback. On the other hand, they will also get opportunities to give feedback. It’s a great place to learn by listening to other people and getting positive feedback and evaluating others.

Secondly, the ultimate leadership challenge is to be the international president for a Toastmaster. We cannot all be all Presidents. But having the highest possible goal keeps us focussed on all the leadership opportunities that are there.

Lastly, pace yourself how you want to progress. There is so much to gain and so much to give.  Gaining and giving are both very fulfilling.


Abigael Cheptoo:

When did you join Toastmasters and what was your first impression?

I have been a member since June 2020. A member of Meru Toastmasters chartered in August 2020. However, I had been active even before the charter. My first impression was a gathering of serious people who unexpectedly believed in me and gave me opportunities to lead meetings and explore new ideas within the group.

Outside Toastmasters what do you do?

I am a third-year medical student at Kenya Methodist University (KEMU). Aside from studies, I am also a model, currently Miss Environment, Meru County. In 2019, I was Miss KEMU.

What inspired you to join Toastmasters?

My inspiration to join was Wanjiru Kaburu, the immediate past Area Director, who is my mentor. I like how she speaks and conducts herself. She is a tough lady. She helped me settle membership dues.

What capacities have you had an opportunity to serve in, in a Toastmasters Club, and what was/is the experience like?

I am the Vice President Education (VPE) Meru Toastmasters. I found that being the VPE is a lot of work. At first, I was a bit scared. I have since stepped up.

How far are you on your Pathways Program?

I just finished level one on Pathways. I decided I am going to complete my Path so that I can be an example to my club members.

How has Toastmasters impacted you in your academic or personal life?

Toastmasters has taught me patience. The VPE position has made me learn patience. At the University, I was engaging students who had a lot of time on their hands. However, in toastmasters, people are busy and a little bit difficult to engage.

I have also become keen. I observe everything so that I learn.

What do you count as a highlight on your Toastmasters journey so far?

I would say getting a mentor that has changed my life and kept me on my toes. My mentor is Wanjiru Kaburu. She has made me push myself.

What are you looking to achieve as you proceed on your Toastmaster journey?

Improve my speaking skills. Learn how to balance my time and life. I want to grow my leadership skills.

What keeps you motivated in your toastmaster journey?

The goals I have. I feel the change, see the growth in myself. For example, I am keener now than before I joined Toastmasters. Additionally, I was supported and wouldn’t want to let my sponsor down.

What pieces of advice would you give a new Toastmasters member?

First, don’t compare yourself to anyone. Learn and grow at your own pace.

Secondly, have a clear vision of what you want. 

Lastly, be your own motivation. You learn by doing. Do it. That is when you will learn.