By Christine Karue

Moment of truth is exactly as it sounds. It is the time that club leaders and members dissect the club’s operations to look at the smallest details that could affect the successful running of the club.
How do we create that safe environment? We start of by asking members to privately fill in an MOT evaluation form that allows them to rate the six aspects (listed previously) on a scale of 1-5, 5 being excellent. The members hand these forms back to the leaders. The form allows anonymity which helps the member feel free to be honest without the pressure of pointing out challenges in the open. The leaders then
collate the feedback and pick out the areas that have been rated as 3 and below to focus on. At the MOT meeting leaders and members come together to find solutions for improvement.
It is said that one never knows the value of the little bolts on the wheel of a car until they come loose and the car loses it’s tire. Similarly, the smallest detail in running a club could affect the excellence of the same.
Member involvement is especially important as they are the VIPs of the club. Having them be part of the solutions to club challenges helps them take ownership of both the challenges and the solutions MOT breaks down the club into six segments that cover the club’s first Impressions, how members are oriented into the club, the fellowship and variety in the program experienced, how communication is handled, how well the programs and Meetings are planned, strength of membership numbers and finally how well members are encouraged through awards and recognition.
Leaders together with the members join together to celebrate the areas that are flourishing while brainstorming on solutions to the areas that need more effort. By creating a safe and supportive space for members to share their views, leaders can be assured of greater member participation within the club.
Therefore, if you have not yet planned for your club MOT this year, do not wait till you find out the wheel is no longer on the car, plan for it today and enjoy the comradeship that comes along with growing together as a club.