ANGELINA NJUNGE – The Hill Toastmasters Club 

Published By: Vivian Akinyi (Division PR Manager, 2021/2022)

Why did you join Toastmasters?

I joined Toastmasters because I was determined to overcome my social phobia. The phobia had been holding me back from networking and caused me to be mocked in the workplace. I, therefore, took the initiative to change and went looking for opportunities to talk to people.

After doing some research, I came across Toastmasters, which would then empower me to be a more confident speaker and leader.

As a newcomer, I found Toastmasters to be very welcoming and I felt right at home! I remember back when we would have physical meetings, there was always someone to guide me step by step and they were very eager to make sure I was comfortable.

During my first days, Table Topics (the impromptu speaking sessions) would make me very nervous! But I gave myself that extra push and after the first attempt, I felt confident and appreciated just by the simple fact of other Toastmasters clapping for me and smiling. It is the small details that made my journey worthwhile. I was motivated to stay and grow alongside my amazing fellow Toastmasters.


So, how has Toastmasters Impacted your life?

Toastmasters had empowered and equipped me in various aspects of my life:

I am now less nervous around people, I stutter a lot less,

I can work with a team and guide them confidently,

I have confidence when delivering public speeches and I have even gotten opportunities to be a speaker, moderator and host at events outside of Toastmasters.


I use the Toastmasters Core Values of Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence as a foundational base on how to interact with people from various walks of life. I have found these four values to be in alignment with my personal values. Integrity is something I hold very dear. I not only apply it in each of my interactions, but I also expect the same from others.


Outside Toastmasters, what do you do?

I am a Graphic Designer. Design is my passion, it is everywhere, from the shoes we wear to the tools we use to the cars we drive and the roads we drive on.

In the last five years, I have adapted towards e-Learning and digital education, providing e-Learning consultancy and creating digital learning experiences.

In February 2021, I started my own Company (Unicorn Valley Technologies). My key focus at this point is on e-learning where I create layouts for courses you can access on your phone or laptop. I create interactive videos, text content and scenarios for the courses.

Aside from work, I am part of an initiative called Ambitious Africa – which is a platform that empowers youth and links the African and Nordic youths. The platform aims to support collaboration between the youths with the aim of creating a sustainable future together.


On hobbies; I am a swimmer, I love swimming! I started swimming at 1 year old 🙂

I also love writing fiction, poetry and songs.


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Toastmasters will equip you at whichever stage of life you are in, continuous learning is a lifelong process. I am glad that the Toastmasters core values interlink with my own personal values.

Integrity is very dear to me. In everything you do, be honest and transparent.

Communication is key. Communicate, always communicate because everybody’s interpretation is different.

Leadership is about motivating and supporting others.