Dear Council Member,

Notice is hereby given that District 114 shall conduct its Council meeting on 29th May 2021, 2:45 PM EAT. Presidents, Vice President’s Education and Members of the District Executive Committee you are welcome.

Meeting Agenda: Kindly find the meeting agenda and the minutes of the last Council Meeting attached:

Registration Details: Please follow this link to register for the Council meeting, and receive the zoom link. Kindly register and let your voice be heard

Voting Members of the District 114: Members eligible to vote include; Presidents, Vice President’s Education from clubs in good standing and members of the District Executive Committee Members who are not voting members of the District Council or their proxies shall not participate in the meeting deliberations.

Quorum: For the District to conduct business, a quorum of one-third of the club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education from member clubs in the district shall be required.

Proxy: Proxies are not allowed for the virtual meeting in case a Council member cannot attend.

We look forward to your presence at the District 114 Annual Council Meeting.

Wacera Irungu, Administration Manager

Meeting-Minutes-12th Sep 2020
Cabinet Report
Disrict 114 Club Alignment Report
District Council Report
Excel Sheet- D114 Club Alignment Report