I visited Uganda from 10th-14th January 2024. One of the biggest takeaways was the importance of engaging the media in our activities, so that we can grow the Toastmasters brand intentionally and intelligently to scale in our region. In Uganda, we were able to engage the media at a minimal cost because we engaged a Toastmaster who is a marketing professional with mature media relationships, Area Director Wangechi Gitahi. It is a model that is replicable across the region.

How about you and your club? Do you have an outward facing marketing strategy? Is there a marketing or public relations professional among you, or someone with (or with a link to someone else with) strong media ties? Is this something that you can explore with your Executive Committee – to host an event or an activity with some media engagement? Or are you able to liaise with your Area or Division Director to see whether you can host a joint activity where you are able to engage the media in this way?

With the Talk Up Toastmasters membership-building campaign around the corner, I would like to encourage you to be creative and don’t be afraid to try something new or different! The District, through our club growth budget, is able to make small financial contributions towards club open houses. Take advantage of this!

Before I traveled to Uganda, I asked Division F to engage the media and – credit to them – they did not let that opportunity go to waste. Neither should you!

For more information about club growth activities, reach out to our Club Growth Director, Toastmaster Wilson Asiimwe: +256 772 685728.

To find out when I might be visiting your city, please contact the District Director’s Outreach Manager, Toastmaster Winfred Osiro: +254 702 951081

More on my next blog post. Until then, take care!

Emilia Siwingwa, DTM, District 114 Director.


District Director’s Tour in Uganda as captured in the News