2×4 DCP Membership Drive

The first 50 clubs that achieve 8 new members between July 1, 2022, thru June 30, 2023, will win a $25 district gift pack.

Get those 8 NEW members as soon as possible.

To claim your prize, email with,

  • The club’s name and number
  • Address to send the gift pack.
  • A full screenshot of your DCP scorecard showing that you have 8 or more NEW members.

New members are new members of your club.

Renewals, duel, and transfer members will not count.

Area Director/ Division Director Jamboree

Any active Area Director or Division Director that finds an organization or group that would like to start a new Toastmasters club and then becomes a chartered club, then that fantastic proactive individual will win a $25 district gift pack (choose what you like from the list). Every Area Director and Division Director that find and charters a new club will also be placed into a drawing for a Toastmaster t-shirt.

To win,

  • Let the district club extension chair know the name of the person, and the organization name, and provide their contact information (email, phone number, website-if applicable).
  • The club extension chair will reach out to them and do everything they can to get the group/organization to submit the required paperwork, conduct a demo meeting, get a mentor to help them get more than 20 membership applications, and get them chartered.

The club must charter before June 30, 2023, to qualify for the prize.

This includes any club (community or corporate) that is completely out of the TI system and would like to start a club again

Club Extension chair is Katrina at

Beat the Clock

Invite guests to your club meetings as part of the Toastmaster promise.

If you get five (5) or more new members between May 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023, your club will receive a district prize pack, worth $25!

To win,

  • Send 5 or more new member applications (just the first 2 pages) to
  • Provide your name, club and club number.
  • Address to send your prize.

Once we verify the applications have been submitted to Toastmaster International, you will receive your prize.

Club Families Growing & Celebrating Together

To get these incentives you could not have been Distinguished for the last two years.

Clubs reaching 5 or more education awards by December 31, a gift pack worth $75

Clubs reaching 9 or more education awards by December 31, will get a Dinner at a Mexican Restaurant for the membership

Cool Coach

The first 8 coaches that get the club they are coaching to become distinguished will win a $25 district gift pack.

To win, coaches must get their club to become distinguished before June 30, 2023, to qualify.

All coaches that are registered with the Club Coach Chair are eligible.

Questions about being a club coach, contact Michael at

Open House Contest

The first 20 clubs that meet the following requirements will win a customizable Toastmaster gift pack worth about $50 for holding special club events throughout the 2022-2023 year.

If your club meets:

  • Weekly – Hold 6 open house events
  • Bi-monthly – Hold 3 open house events
  • Monthly – 2 open house events

Your open houses must be completed from July 1, 2022, to June 1, 2023

Submit the following information to with your name, club name & number, and email address along with the following information.

Community clubs must submit all these items.

  • Copy of your event flyer
  • Screenshot showing it was promoted on social media (does not have to be a paid ad)
  • Screenshot showing your event was submitted and posted on the district 3 Event calendar

Corporate clubs must submit all the following items.

  • Copy of your event flyer
  • Copy of the email invitation with the number of recipients it was distributed to.
  • Screenshot or copy of the event announcement on the company website, newsletter, or social media page
  • Copy of the event agenda

Contact if you have any questions.

Pay it Forward

The purpose of his project is to strengthen the clubs within the district, assist struggling clubs and expand the experience of the Toastmasters who participate in the program. We as Toastmasters can directly affect clubs that can use our collective help.

How to be recognized:

  • Each of the campaign months. September, February, March, May, and June, we will recognize and award two (2) Toastmasters who visit the most clubs with a district gift back valued at $25 from a list of selected prizes.
  • Each of the campaign months. September, February, March, May, and June, we will recognize and award two (2) clubs who visit the most clubs with a district gift back valued at $50 from a list of selected prizes.

For more information:

Rise Up to Members

Invite guests to your club meetings as part of the Toastmaster promise.

From July 1, 2022, to June 1, 2023, every new member you sponsor in your club will receive a new member pin!

Every month send the new member application with the sponsor area completed to

Bonus drawing for sponsoring new members from January 1st to June 1st, 2023

In addition to the pin for the new member, sponsoring members will be entered into a drawing, and ten (10) sponsors will be drawn to select a prize package of their choice from the district gift list for about $25.

New members sponsored during this time frame must be New or Reinstated members. Renewals, dual and transfer members will not count. The more members you sponsor, the more chances you could win.