Welcome to District 114 : Where Leaders are made

6 Divisions
22 Areas
80+ Clubs
500+ Members

Joining Toastmasters can help you:

1. Present Well
2. Mentor others
3. Advance your career

Ready to start your journey? Learn more about how Toastmasters can help you grow, or find a local club where you can begin practicing and honing your skills.

what Members are saying

Over the last ten years in Toastmasters, I have developed world-class skills in communication and leadership. I say this not to impress anyone but to impress upon you that self-development works.

Japheth Musau – DTM

Toastmasters has been an integral part of my personal and professional growth over the last 5 years, helping me to develop essential communication and leadership skills.

Ken Agutu

My love for training fuels my desire to empower others. It’s not just about developing skills, but constantly refining my approach within Toastmasters to become a more effective catalyst for growth.

Donvin Oguda

Toastmasters has not only honed my public speaking skills but also significantly boosted my confidence and leadership abilities. The supportive community has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.

Kevin Rubia